Solion Limited

Solion Limited

South Bank Technopark, 90 London Road, London, SE1 6LN
Click to show company phone
Royaume-Uni Royaume-Uni

Informations sur le Personnel

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Description de l'entreprise

Solion is a young, rapidly growing design and innovation led company specialising in developing and installing innovative solar mounting systems for buildings.

Solion is accredited by the Energy Saving Trust to install Photovaltaic systems for the DTI PV demonstration program. Solion provides innovative value added products for "on" and "off" grid solar applications.

SOLION Ltd was formed in February 2002, it is partly owned by the South Bank University. Unlike other solar companies, Solion has the advantage of using the wide range of equipment, facilities and expertise in the university. As a consequence, the company has the skill set and contacts to generate and access generic technology solutions to new solar product demands.

Détails sur l'Entreprise

Types de Composants
Système de Montage
Système de Montage


Système de Montage

  • The Universal ...
    Toit Plat
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