Jurawatt to Supply Desert Modules in Colombia

Publié le 22 avr. 2015

HIP Solar
The daily average radiation is 4.5kWh/m2 in Colombia. It’s an ideal environment for the operation of Jurawatt Desert Module. In mid-April, 360 of the JWO60 modules were dispatched to Baranquilla, location of MH Energia Solar S.A.S. 

The outlook for solar power is positive: “Our country still uses a lot of coal, hydropower and fossil fuels. But the government wants to promote alternative energies to reduce this dependence and introduce a broader energy mix,“ explained Juan Manuel Mora Delgado, General Manager of MH Energia Solar. And the government had good reasons for this plan. 

Juan Manuel Mora and Patrick Thoma, CEO of Jurawatt GmbH, closed the deal in February. Both are convinced that the Desert Modules’ technology is perfect for Colombia. 

Source: Jurawatt

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