Blue Earth完成出售夏威夷光伏电站

Publié le 26 août 2014
Blue Earth Solar  Calibrant Energy 
August 26, 2014 - Blue Earth, Inc. announced today that it has closed on an agreement to sell its Waianae, solar facility to Kenyon Energy for approximately $2 million. The 500,000W system is located on the island of Oahu, HI. The sale of this project provides Blue Earth with additional corporate resources to apply toward our combined heat and power (CHP) projects, and sets in motion a broader relationship with Kenyon Energy to similarly convert our large solar project pipeline.

"We are delighted to close this initial sale for one of our Hawaii solar projects to Kenyon Energy and look forward to building and selling additional solar projects to Kenyon Energy in Hawaii and other parts of the country," stated Johnny R. Thomas, CEO of Blue Earth, Inc.

Profil ENF des Entreprises Mentionnées dans l’Article

Blue Earth Solar (Installateurs):
Calibrant Energy (Installateurs):
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