Green Technologies

Green Technologies

Baljuvon District, Baljuvon Jamoat, Baljuvon Village, 735140
+992 933 743 090
Tajikistan Tajikistan

Informations sur le Personnel

Description de l'entreprise

Tajikistan's industry leader in green energy

Tajik/Swiss joint venture providing the following services:

  • Sale of green energy equipment (solar, wind and hydropower)

  • Production of cross-flow hydroturbines in our own workshop

  • Design, engineering and system analysis of renewable energy systems (solar, wind, hydro)

  • Installation and commissioning of renewable energy systems (solar, wind, hydro)

We only work with reputable brands and offer unrivalled repair and after sales service in Tajikistan.

Détails sur l'Entreprise

Date de démarrage des installations
Stockage de la Batterie
Taille d'installation
Les installations de moins de 1MW
Zone d'Exploitation
Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbékistan, Tajikistan
Maison Mère
Tekhnologiyahoi Sabz LLC

Bureaux Supplémentaires

Dushanbe, 9.kilometer
Dernière Mise à Jour