GREEN Limited

GREEN Limited

Section 405, Lot 4, Waigani Drive, Hohola North
+675 7202 0011
Nouvelle Guinée Nouvelle Guinée

Description de l'entreprise

GREEN Limited specializes in comprehensive solar power solutions for diverse energy needs. Their portfolio includes:

1. Large-scale Scale Solar Power Systems (MW)

2. Smaller Scale Solutions for Residential and Commercial Rooftops (kW)

3. Off-grid Systems: Solar Home Lighting for Rural Areas includes Streetlights, Home Lighting Systems

4. Battery-based Hybrid Solar Solutions

GREEN Limited addresses a wide range of energy needs, from large-scale power generation to household electrification, including hospitals, promoting global sustainable energy solutions.

Détails sur l'Entreprise

Date de démarrage des installations
Stockage de la Batterie
Taille d'installation
Les installations de moins de 1MW, Plus de 1MW
Zone d'Exploitation
Nouvelle Guinée
Dernière Mise à Jour
21 mai 2024