Envisionmatrix Renewable Energy Inc.

Envisionmatrix Renewable Energy Inc.

638, Interlaken Drive, Waterloo, Ontario, N2T 2Y4
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Canada Canada

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Description de l'entreprise

Envisionmatrix Renewable Energy Inc., a Canadian company, headquartered in Waterloo Ontario, is a main based developer of technology and projects that generate clean, predictable, competitively priced electricity from virtually unlimited alternative energy resources such as biomass, wind, solar & geothermal & mini hydro power.

We promote all forms of renewable energy, and energy efficiency, and encourage such activities to be of benefit to our communities and sustainability lies at the heart of this.

Détails sur l'Entreprise

Stockage de la Batterie
Taille d'installation
Les installations de moins de 1MW
Zone d'Exploitation
Dernière Mise à Jour
27 déc. 2023