EnergyXXL GmbH

EnergyXXL GmbH

Raiffeisenstrasse 6-8, 63225 Langen (Hessen)
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Allemagne Allemagne

Informations sur le Personnel

Contacts Utiles

Description de l'entreprise

In a world were everybody is searching for innovation and smart solutions for old problems, EnergyXXL takes it´s place as an ascending company in the energy game.
The company started quite small with offgrid solutions. Building on that foundation SolarXXL also reached out to B2B contacts and bigger projects like solar parks and industrial buildings with the need for a sustainable energy source.

Détails sur l'Entreprise

Monocristallin, Polycristallin
Gamme de Puissance(Wp):
Panneaux Design Innovant

Détails sur l'Entreprise

Quantité minimale de commande (units)
Couverture de Service
Langues parlées
Allemand, Anglais, Espagnol, Russian
Distributeur / Grossiste
Distributeur, Grossiste


Dernière Mise à Jour
9 oct. 2019