U-Solar Clean Energy Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

U-Solar Clean Energy Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

208, 2nd Floor, The Excellency Building, No. 8 Papanna Street, St Mark's Rd, Bengaluru, Karnataka, 560001
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Description de l'entreprise

U-Solar (www.usolar.in) is a clean energy enterprise specialising in Rooftop Solar PV solutions for institutional, retail and residential customers. We provide turnkey implementation of customised rooftop Solar PV systems for our customers’ energy requirements. U-Solar works with top manufacturers of system components from across the world and in India to deliver aptly engineered and highly efficient PV power plants for captive consumption.

Détails sur l'Entreprise

Date de démarrage des installations
Stockage de la Batterie
Taille d'installation
Les installations de moins de 1MW, Plus de 1MW
Zone d'Exploitation
Dernière Mise à Jour

Actualités de l'entreprise