DataGlen Technologies Private Limited

DataGlen Technologies Private Limited

6th Floor, Farah Landmark, 15, MG Road, Ashok Nagar, Bangalore, 560025
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Description de l'entreprise

We offer SunDash, an end-to-end solution for managing Distributed Energy Resources (DER) such as solar and storage. It is based on IoT and Machine Learning and it can be used to do asset management, resource optimisation and generation prediction. We have experience monitoring more than 200 sites in India and in Australia. Our solution can significantly increase RoI and reduce the payback period.

Détails sur l'Entreprise

Types de Composants
Enregistreur de Données

Détails sur l'Entreprise

Types de Services
Laboratoires R&D, Logiciels
Année d'établissement
Technologie ciblée
Types de logiciels
Langues disponibles
Dernière Mise à Jour
2 juin 2021